Bear made us all better employees and more importantly, better people.

Always Innovate and Never Surrender -Heath Wruble Business leaders with a game plan continually move forward, never sit still, and are constantly innovating, creating, and building. Jeff Bezos, Mark Cuban, and Warren Buffet charge forward and effectively lead their businesses to new heights. As a leader, you are charged with never giving up; if you fail, make the changes necessary to succeed, learn from your mistakes, pivot, regroup, and never surrender. I speak to business leaders every day and give this same advice, today it's free! Do Not Rush Sumner Redstone took over his father's drive-in movie business, called National Amusements Inc. He helped expand it, and slowly over time, he was able to build it into a massive movie theater business; it is said that Sumner Redstone coined the phrase “cineplex”. It took decades not years, for Redstone, to methodically build his business by continually innova...