What's the Frequency, Kenneth?
Manage your purchasing by setting the frequency you call on your vendors As a child of the 80's the song resonates - but for those who don't get it.. Check it out here. For today we came up with the concept of how often do you call your vendor when ordering items. For the most part we assume that your vendors don't change all that often and you have a set ordering cycle with them. In any situation there will be exceptions to the rules but generally you should try and stick to a schedule and use the system to help you manage that schedule. When to call? How much do i need? The MDS System answers these questions by using our inventory management module and with the enhancement allowing for a specific day of the week or a date each month it's now even easier to update and track your vendor purchases. The Frequency code is setup by vendor and is used to the determine when each of these vendors will be included in the automatic purchase or...