GS1 - Is medical ready for Standards? - MDS is...
MDS Supports GS1 Healthcare US Standards GS1 Healthcare US is an industry group that is driving forward open, global standards to help healthcare companies improve the accuracy, speed, and efficiency of the supply chain and care delivery. Through the collaboration and cooperation of companies and organizations throughout the healthcare supply chain, GS1 Healthcare US is making it possible for healthcare to move toward adopting GS1 Standards for identifying, capturing, and sharing data as the foundation for improved business and care delivery processes. The MDS System Fully Supports GTIN's for Product Identification as well as E-Pedigree and GLN for Vendors and Customers. Product Identification: Help develop implementation tools for use and correct application of the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) and Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) in the U.S. healthcare system to ensure clarity of product information throughout the supply chain from manufacturer to point-...