Webinar: H.R. 3204, The Drug Quality and Security Act and What It Means For You.

H.R 3204 has passed and the coming changes will affect for your company. Join us for a brief webinar , where we will take you through some of the highlights of the bill, the coming affect on the Healthcare Supply Chain, and some innovative software solutions to help you navigate the regulatory maze. This legislation would strengthen the prescription drug supply chain in order to protect American families against counterfeit drugs. The bill also would help prevent increases in drug prices, avoid additional drug shortages, and eliminate hundreds of millions of dollars worth of duplicative government red tape on American businesses that is harming job growth. "H ouse Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) " Click here for an overview : http://energycommerce.house.gov/fact-sheet/hr-3204-drug-quality-and-security-act or for the full text: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/hr3204/text Follow the life cycle of a controll...