Trust but Verify, A Solution for Short Dated Products..

Short dated and expired goods – whose responsibility is it? It seems that wholesalers/suppliers and manufacturers cannot agree on who should take the financial hit when products need to be pulled from the shelf. As a distributor since you use inventory control practices to ensure consistent product turns, which drive the re-order process, Those controls should be able to minimize the incidence of non-salable expired goods. However having said that it's not always consistent across the board and many vendors offer different policies about returning expired goods. Additionally it can be a significant sales opportunity if you are aware of, and have the information on what products are going to become short dated and use that to make a large sale or purchase. If there is a business "partnership" where the supplier agrees to ship you items with a minimum expiration date with the MDS-Nx you can now Trust but Verify. On a vendor by vendor ...