
Showing posts from February, 2015

Do your people work together?

Business Depends on Integrated Purchasing and Logistics Studies finds that purchasing and logistics collaboration results in greater efficiency, reduced complexity and lower operating expenses. Organizations that integrate their purchasing and logistics functions deliver better business results, according to a  new study  from the Global Supply Chain Institute at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. No surprise then that companies who want to achive this goal are uniquely suited to a single integrated ERP software system that easily allows cross function communications. From the small business with 3 employees that has the same purchasing and sales agents. To the multimillion dollar one with a team of 10 purchasing agents and 50+ sales people the study proves that communications and a single view are paramount in making your operations work effectively. But the study, involving more than 180 supply chain professionals, also shows that many firms fail to capitalize on this o...

Mobile Devices Drive Opportunity and Innovation

Keys, wallet, cell phone – most people don't leave home without them. Among today's consumers, the forgotten cell phone invokes the most panic. In a recent Pew Research Center study, 30 percent of individuals surveyed described their phone as "something they can't imagine living without." Mobile devices, specifically smart phones and tablets, have become the mission control center for managing all aspects of life. Increasing consumer dependence on mobile devices represents huge opportunities for all types of businesses that can learn quickly to leverage and embrace mobile technology trends. Does your business have a well-defined mobile strategy? Mobile Strategy should involve not just the traditional sales models and ecommerce sites, and while it's important include those in your mix, one often overlooked area is purchasing and warehouse management. Just because the mobile device is in your warehouse doesn't mean it's not part of your mobile strategy.  T...