Making the Warehouse Part of the Team
Making the Warehouse Part of the Team Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system suppliers are known for offering tightly integrated software suites for back-office functions like order management and financials, but until fairly recently, they haven’t been known as leading vendors of warehouse management system (WMS) software. That has changed, however, as the biggest ERP vendors have steadily built up their WMS and other supply chain execution (SCE) software offerings and sales. Now, not only do the biggest ERP vendors who often sell to large enterprises offer advanced WMS, but a few industry specific vendors like The Systems House, Inc. that focus on small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are also enhancing WMS. That’s quite a change from the WMS capability SME-focused ERP vendors used to offer, says Dwight Klappich, a research vice president with Gartner. Until relatively recently, WMS modules from SME-focused ERP vendors tended to be little more than “bin locating systems” ...