Same Day Delivery with a Warehouse on Wheels
Move your customers to same day delivery using technology from another industry. As you may have noticed I am a big fan of Amazon's services in general and one of the latest offerings, Amazon Prime Now, led me to discussions with a number of clients who wanted to emulate or explore how they could also achieve same day delivery. Companies like McMaster-Carr have made a billion dollar business on the same day delivery model. If you are not familiar with it , Amazon Prime now offers thousands of products on a two hour delivery time frame and having used the product extensively I must say I would pay for the convenience however it's currently free to prime members. Having said that to differentiate themselves in the Retail Pharmacy space a client recently said , what other value can we bring to these clients? During the meeting it was suggested that same day delivery was a good value as it would allow them to tell patients/customers, "No problem I can have the presc...