3 Ways to Increase your virtual inventory footprint...
What is a virtual inventory footprint? It's really just a more complicated way of explaining that the traditional models of purchasing goods, holding them in the warehouse and then shipping them are changing and hence creating a "virtual" inventory footprint in your warehouse. Handling the logistics of the new virtual inventory mode can be complicated so today we are discussing three software tools the MDS-Nx System offers to streamline and simplify the process. Cross-docking is a practice in logistics of unloading materials from an incoming semi-trailer truck or railroad car and loading these materials directly into outbound trucks, trailers, or rail cars, with little or no storage in between. This may be done to change type of conveyance, to sort material intended for different destinations, or to combine material from different origins into transport vehicles (or containers) with the same, or similar destination. The MDS System allows for cross docking in multipl...