Rack up the Miles!! - Part II
TSH Releases Credit Card Statement Upload and Match System Want to rack up those rewards miles? - the MDS A/P transfer subsystem will let you do that quickly and easily. o ur Integrated Accounts Payable (A/P) system allows you to receive and enter invoices from vendors and will automatically check for a purchase order and receipt of the goods on the purchase order before releasing it to pay. But we realized that matching those hundreds of charges on your credit card up to your expenses and invoices was not quite as easy. To remedy that we have released our updated Credit Card statement upload and match system. This system allows you to upload a spreadsheet or text file from your bank or credit card provider. The MDS system will then display and allow you to import and create journal entries for new items or when using the integrated bank reconciliation module you can now match invoices to charges. Traditionally when it was time to pay your only option was to c...