Do you lead the elephant...?
There is a expression that relates walking with elephants. Do you lead the elephant? or does the elephant lead you? The interesting truth is that while we would all like to think we are leading the elephant around , it's not really true. And we all know that if the elephant wants to go somewhere it's going to to go there, we really don't have the tools to change it. So today's lesson is about understanding the forces of change and how elephants can be lead around and applying that lesson to an elephant in your business, namely... Dead Inventory Quite often, even among well-run businesses, the actual costs of inventory are inaccurate, underestimated and incomplete. While most distributors know they have dead inventory, many are unaware of just how much. Even in well-run companies, anywhere from 20-30 percent of inventory is dead or obsolete. While that is huge and alone could have devastating ramifications for a business, how do you calculate the real costs t...