
Showing posts from November, 2020

Advertising Credits - 5 ways to grow during the pandemic

As every penny counts when it comes to your business , we offer you yet another way save some money , and potentially create and additional revenue stream .    70.9 percent In 2019, advertising accounted for the majority of Google's total revenue, which amounted to a total of 160.74 billion U.S. dollars . In the most recent fiscal period, advertising revenue through Google Sites made up  70.9 percent  of the company's revenues.  Ok so you are not google, and I get that but if they can make 160 billion , we can likely make something and every little bit helps.  The secret weapon here.... Vendor Purchase Discounts or Credits.  Remotenet Advertising Banners Using our latest updates for the Remotenet web engine you now have extended options for banner advertisements.   These banners allow you to have specific targeted information about what is on the page or the products a customer is viewing and allow them to click on a banner to be brought to a spe...

Smarter Shipping - 5 ways to grow during the pandemic

5 ways to grow during the pandemic. As shipping becomes a larger part of the cost of doing business, and margins keep shrinking. We are always on the lookout for new ways for you to save on your shipping costs. To that end, we would like to introduce Intelligent Audit Shipping Solutions.   Intelligent Audit  is a leading logistics technology provider focused on reducing transportation costs        through automated freight audit and recovery across  all transportation modes, business intelligence analytics, and spend optimization solutions.                                                                          In short it is a technology solution that provides insights to help companies ship smarter and audits your existing contracts to help you find pricing and billi...

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater...

  The phrase  to throw the baby out with the bathwater  means  to discard something valuable along with other things that are undesirable . It is a loan translation from the German phrase  das Kind mit dem Bade ausschütten , literally  to empty out the child with the bath , first recorded in 1512. For example, in  German Literature, translated from the German of Wolfgang Menzel 1 . By C. C. Felton 2  (Boston, Massachusetts – 1840). Often when looking at enterprise software, we want to go with the latest and greatest technology , sometimes are the expense of our existing infrastructure and client base.  How many of you use the fax every day? Interestingly enough we hear disturbing rumors that over 20 years since the birth of the commercial Internet, fax machines remain in wide use in the economy.  According to CBinsights  Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev said most traditional stock brokerages  “still run on paper and fax machines.”...

Clarity through Communication

Our belief is that Better Communication leads Better Cash Flow and Simplified Clarity , to facilitate better communication web based tools have made that payment process much more streamlined and efficient. Utilizing the MDS-Nx System you now have access to 5 new Remote net Portals. Each portal is a piece of the Remote net Ecosystem and allows for different tools to communicate more effectively.  Today we highlight the MDS-Nx Vendor Portal  The MDS-Nx Vendor Portal allows you to give the tools to your vendors to see how they are doing with your company in terms of sales, check the status of pending purchase orders , and review open invoices that have been paid or are awaiting payment.  I also allow them to see how you paid off each invoice. Lastly for those who want it – vendors can submit invoices for purchase orders that are outstanding and they will go into the EDI 810 processing system allowing you to review and approve the charges then pay them.  Once a vendor ...