
Showing posts from May, 2021

Is your tech costing you talent?

  JOIN US ONLINE NDC Online Exhibition RESERVE YOUR MEETING TIME TODAY Register Now   NOT ATTENDING THE SHOW?  Contact Us  As we start to emerge from the pandemic and see light at the end of the tunnel, companies are realizing that working from home (WFH) didn’t kill productivity after all.  In fact, employees are more resilient and engaged than ever. Instead of going MIA as some employers feared, employees crushed it.  Eighty three percent of employers say the shift to remote work has been successful for their company, compared to just 73% in June of 2020.   Now that hybrid or fully remote work is a part of our business infrastructure moving forward, companies need to make sure they are helping employees rather than hindering them. And since finding a job close to home (or even in the same state) is no longer a parameter for many job seekers, it’s game on for companies who want to find and keep top talent.  Turns out,  technology plays a maj...