Streamlining Operations with MDS..

Our 2016 User Group Meeting was held this past
week.  We thank those who attended and
contributed to the meeting’s success.  We look forward to your participation in our 2017 meeting.

As in the past the highlight of the meeting was
the exchange of ideas made by our customers, both after each presentation, as
well as during the Q&A session at the end of the meeting.

The focus of the presentations made this year were Streamlining your Business Operations with MDS.

Those able to join us at our Client Dinner we were treated to a Fantastic Double Rainbow, Stretching over the New York City Skyline. As well as amazing views of the Waterfront and City views

We reported on the enhancements
made to MDS during the past year, and provided an update on last year’s
requests. Our director of product development
the group on the enhancements made to MDSNx and the new features added to the
MDS dashboard. He also 
reviewed the updated MDS upgrade process
designed to minimize issues with the installation of software updates.

In the afternoon
sessions, we reviewed the many enhancements made to RemoteNet.
RemoteNet has become an
increasingly important adjunct to base MDS as more of our customers are using
RemoteNet our b2b Web Portal as a primary quotation and order entry vehicle for their salesmen. Also demonstrated was how RemoteNet can now operate on alternate devices such
as tablets and smart phones. And takes full advantage of the Mobile Web. 

We also explained the MDS capabilities in
the EDI area including the documents supported by our software (such as
invoices, purchase orders, and sales tracings). 
EDI has become an increasingly important requirement of the Distribution
Supply Chain. with notes on how the HDMA Standard EDI 856 can streamline your warehouse pedigree and track and trace 

Particular attention was paid to the enhancements in our MDS Pharma module. Items covered included the new government requirements, and explained how MDS will address those needs. We also discussed
our CSOS
capability using our integrated system with Legisym. Lastly, our integration with the
Medispan and FDA product catalogs were reviewed.

Lastly the latest available MDS utilities to allow users to manage various MDS processes were demonstrated. These include automated data fixes and  purges, all allowing you to better manage your MDS system.

User Meeting Information:
 You can email us requesting a copy of
the Memory Stick we prepared, or you can download a copy of the information by
logging onto the TSH CRS website
The stick has copies of all current (and past) presentations, as well as
complete documentation on the MDS system (training guides, documentation, file
and data base definitions, report guides), and sales literature.

We find the greatest value of the meeting to be
the opportunity to share with our customers TSH’s plans for MDS, and to get
your feedback on those planned initiatives. 
Of perhaps even greater importance, the meeting provides you with the
opportunity to share with us your needs, wishes, and concerns regarding MDS and
its application at your company.  We look
forward to and welcome your input.  In
turn, the meeting provides you with an opportunity to share insights and
solutions with TSH personnel as well as to each other.

For those Joining us on our New York City adventure we were treated to drinks at a Famous New York Landmark and enjoyed the great weather at the rooftop bar, followed by dinner on the town and visit to Time Square for the first timers.. 

Looking forward to having you join us in 2017. 

For more information on TSH or MDS call The Systems House, Inc. at 1-800- MDS-5556. Or send a message to

Click here and tell us how we can help you with your business solutions.

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