Why you need to enable rate shopping for your supply chain...


Multicarrier shipping solutions changed very little for many years, but the explosion in ecommerce shipping has led to some very interesting new features and functions to support new features in shipping..TSH is proud to announce our partnership with Desktop Shipper to help companies make informed decisions about shipping packages. 

The Standout capabilities with the ability to integrate Multiple marketplaces, Multiple shipping carriers and Multiple Data Streams. All with a single web based intuitive interface made desktop shipper the clear choice for our partnership. 

Existing Customers can seamlessly transition from our multi carrier shipping interface to desktop shipper with little or no downtime. And setup with desktop shipper is quick and easy so you can get shipping with the ability to rate shop individual packages, entire customers or prebuild rules with the MDS shipping module. 

Have an extended carrier network: When you build more relationships with carriers, you have more options to look at when you’re rate shopping. But that’s the long and hard way of expanding your carrier network! Instead, leverage the existing relationships of a multi-carrier shipping solution with integrated carriers to quickly optimize your supply chain.


The power to automate rate shopping between your chosen carriers and service levels is a tool that every company in the distribution business should have in their back pocket. If you want to achieve a competitive advantage in the shipping world, you need to choose a vendor that provides sophisticated rate shopping software. By the end of the year, you'll have your competitors saying, "How'd they do that?!"

For more information on the capabilities of desktop shipper ,schedule a demo today.  by contacing the sales team now.  DesktopShipper  (503) 331-4000 |  Wade@desktopshipper.com

Support Email:  support@desktopshipper.com

For more information on TSH or MDS call The Systems House, Inc. at 1-800- MDS-5556. Or send a message to sales@tshinc.com

Click here and tell us how we can help you with your business solutions.


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